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Longchamp lovers will absolutely be over the moon upon seeing this Longchamp 404, but this time around it is in a shoulder Replica Handbags version.

This compact bag of a beauty is everything you could ever ask for in a shoulder bag which mind you, could effortlessly transform into a crossbody bag. What more can you say if you get the best of both worlds in the Longchamp 404 for the price of one?

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From the outside, the Longchamp 404 Shoulder >Replica Handbags is sleek yet structured, minimalist yet it possesses an eye candy charm. The golden chains plus the small golden horse in the center did the talking for this bag, nothing more and nothing less.

Oh and did you know that it comes in five different colors? Yes, you read that one right. There’s black, Boy (light blue), Girl (light pink), Sandy (light brown) and White. They are all equally gorgeous, so no wonder if you might have a hard decision choosing one.

Just like its Replica Celine Handbags version, this shoulder/crossbody bag features a zipped pouch and two open compartments.